Sunday, September 15, 2024

Author Interview

Good morning and Happy Sunday!

I came across this author interview I did for Smashwords years ago and I thought I'd share it here on the blog...

romance author rachelle vaughn writing interview hockey reads sports steamy books

What's the story behind your latest book?

In PURE ICE, Landon Turner puts everyone else first and has dedicated his life to caring for his quadriplegic brother and working his butt off at his full-time job. There’s nothing glamorous about his existence, but all that might change when he meets a woman who makes him realize how much he’s sacrificed. And then he gets the opportunity of a lifetime—to try out for his hometown city’s pro hockey team. Landon doesn’t know if happily-ever-after exists, but in a city like Red Valley, anything can happen…

What is your favorite part of the Red Valley Ravens Series?

I love that the books are stand-alone and the possibilities for storylines are virtually endless—as long as the main character is a hockey player! The series has featured massage therapists, an aspiring veterinarian, a hair stylist, an optometrist, a fashion designer, and even an ornithologist. Doing research for these books is a blast!

If you were stranded on a desert island which of your characters do you want by your side?

As much as I love Colton and Avery from ISLAND ICE, they are amateurs when it comes to wilderness survival. I’d probably choose Nataliya from HOCKEY GODS. She isn’t afraid of anything and is the type of woman who could find water, build shelter, and hunt for food with no problem at all. She’d have some great stories to tell to keep me entertained, too.

If you could be best friends with one of your characters, who would it be?

I would be besties with Emily from UNDERNEATH IT ALL. She is strong and courageous, and I value those qualities. And I’d get to hang out at O’Leary House where there would be endless inspiration and we could enjoy some of Aunt Maureen’s home cooking together! Plus, Emily has a really hot brother!

What inspired you to write your first book?

I have always been an avid reader and wanted to be a writer ever since a young age. Life got in the way of my aspirations for a while and then I got back into reading again. It was actually after reading LEAVING NORMAL by Stef An Holm that I thought, “Hey, I can write a book, too! I’m finally ready!” My first obstacle was the hero’s occupation. I knew he had to be wealthy enough to afford a Corvette and a nice house. Then the lightbulb came on and I decided he would make a perfect hockey player. And so, HOME ICE and the Red Valley Ravens series was born.

What is your favorite book that you wrote?

HOME ICE will always hold a special place in my heart because it was my first book, but I think MAMA'S INK is my favorite overall. I really love Sadie and Jared’s emotional story and the colorful characters in Mama’s tattoo shop. Reading the epilogue still brings tears to my eyes to this day.

Which other authors have most influenced or inspired your writing?

Nora Roberts is inspirational not only from her impressive body of work, but because of her compelling characters and amazing attention to detail. The descriptiveness in her novels puts the reader right there with the characters. No matter the subject, Nora writes about it as if she’s lived and breathed it herself.

What is it about the romance genre that has satisfied your passion for writing this long?

I think most young girls secretly dream that their prince will someday ride in and sweep them off their feet. In the romance genre, I love how you can take two people from different or similar worlds, smash them together and see what happens. The possibilities for love are endless!

Many romance novels tend to have an obstacle that keeps the lovers apart. How do you know when you've let the tension build enough, that it's time to resolve the issue and let the pair get together?

Sometimes I wish I could just let them be together from the beginning, but then there wouldn’t be much of a story! Only when the character has resolved or made peace with their own issues can they really be freed to give in to love and devote themselves to another person. Unfortunately, not everyone is smart (and lucky!) in love.

Do you have any advice to share with authors who've never written romance, but are considering it?

It may sound cliché, but write what’s in your heart. If you really believe in something, whether it be a concept, subject or character, put your whole heart and soul into it. Sure, you might feel vulnerable and a bit exposed, but you can go to sleep at night knowing you gave it your all no matter what anyone else says about it.


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